
How it Works: Wiped Film Molecular Cannabinoid & Terpene Distillation

How it Works: Wiped Film Molecular Cannabinoid & Terpene Distillation


Wiped Film Molecular Distillation

The Pope Difference in Cannabinoid Purification and Terpene Distillation

Pope Wiped-Film Molecular Stills are a special type of short-path distillation equipment. These are continuous mode systems, as opposed to simple batch mode boiling flask stills (the latter often referred to as “short-paths”, though ironically, these are not truly short path designs as discussed in the next paragraph). The diagram below of the cannabinoid distillation purification process illustrates the means of this technology and shows the flow of the feed material and the separation of component fractions within the equipment. This same purification process and equipment can be used for various cannabinoid distillation such as the processing of CBD, THC, THCV, CBG, CBT, CBN, CBC & others.

In wiped film processes, feed material is delivered from a feed flask or a pump into the inner wall of a vertical cylindrical evaporation section, heated from the outer wall, (either electric resistance or circulating hot fluid jacket type).   Internally, rotating diagonally slotted wipers force liquid around and downward in as highly turbulent, thin film on the inner wall.  The moving liquid is heated via conduction through the wall. During the quick journey downward, lighter (lower boiling point) fractions of the liquid begin to vaporize.  Heavier residue material (Chlorophyll, large lipids, salts, sugars, heavy wax fractions), does not evaporate and continues the travel down the full length of the still body, falling into a residue receiver flask or discharge pump.

cannabinoid distillation, terpene distillation
Cannabinoid Purification
Within the evaporation body there is a vertical internal condenser positioned central, parallel, and close to, the full length of the cylindrical evaporation surface, providing a short path for evaporated vapor molecules traveling from the heated surface to the condenser surface. For cannabinoid distillation, the internal condenser fluid must be kept elevated (~70°C) to prevent high viscosity or freeze-up of the condensed THC, CBD, and other component vapors.

Due to the optimized, continuous Pope equipment design, this all happens with high evaporation efficiency and within a number of seconds, (instead of hours of high-temperature exposure in batch type “short-paths”), and under vacuum-lowered temperatures, thus minimizing any possibility of product degradation.

Prior to the cannabinoid distillation pass through the wiped film still, there is a first pass in which terpenes and any other lighter end components are removed by distillation from the feed material and collected as a distillate.  The terpenes and other light components can be condensed in the internal condenser and an optional external condenser.  The residue from this pass is collected in a different flask or vessel until all the feed material has been depleted.  The residue contains the cannabinoids and heavy compounds and this fraction will then be fed through the still again as a second pass as has been previously described.  This first pass boosts the cannabinoid percentage and decreases the volatility of the feed material such that the cannabinoid distillation pass will behave better, resulting in optimized purity and yield.

While cannabinoids are caught and collected by the internal condenser, a different, external condenser, maintained at a chilled temperature, can capture terpenes (which are lighter than cannabinoids). The terpene isolate is then collected in another, separate receiver flask. Depending on the composition of the feed material and the goals of the operator some quantities of terpene isolation are obtainable which can be very useful for various product formulations. Any remaining vapors which escape both the internal and external condensers and which may contain small amounts of solvents, water, or lighter terpene components, are collected in a cold trap maintained at an ultra-low temperature. The trap serves the purpose of maintaining lowered vacuum levels in the still system and protecting the vacuum pump from contamination from the light vapors.

It is important to maintain a steady feed rate, body temperature, and vacuum level. In the standard glass molecular still systems, feed rate and vacuum are maintained manually. Pope also offers positive displacement feed pumps, automatic flow rate controllers, automatic vacuum controllers, and other advanced features including product discharge pumps, multiple in-series staged still unit skid mounted systems, and computer/PLC control. As clients’ product production requirements increase, Pope can assist with technology consistent throughout the product line, allowing straightforward process equipment scale-up. Equipment for processing 24/7 at more than 200 kg/hr is offered, well more than sufficient for any cannabinoid application!

The Molecular Background:

cannabinoid distillation, terpene distillation

Basic evaporation and condensation

Wiped-Film still technology takes advantage of the fact that each chemical substance has a characteristic vapor pressure. It is this relative difference in vapor pressures that dictates how easily a complex compound can be separated into its constituent components.

Since the molecules of all matter are in constant motion in varying degrees, depending upon the chemical composition of that matter and the temperature and pressure applied to it, molecules near the surface tend to escape into the surrounding atmosphere. As temperature increases and pressure decreases, this escaping tendency usually increases, and the substance is said to vaporize.

The force generated by these escaping molecules is referred to as the vapor pressure of that material at a particular temperature and pressure. It is the relative difference in vapor pressure of substances that dictates how easily a complex compound can be separated into its constituent compounds.

How the Wiped-Film Still Works:

The Pope Wiped-Film Still consists of a heated body into which a fluid system requiring some degree of separation is continuously fed. The fluid is spread into a thin film by a rotating wiper blade assembly driven at a predetermined speed. The film, while being forced into turbulent flow by the wiper blades, progresses down the inside body wall aided by gravity and the slots in the wiper blades.

Have any further questions on short-path distillation? Contact us for further information!

Pope Wiped Film Diagram

Wiper blade moves each plug of material around and downward.

Thin films are created in Pope Wiped-Film Stills for a variety of reasons:

  • Turbulence and micromixing created by a rapidly moving diagonally slotted blade greatly assist in heat transmission, thereby lowering the temperature required on the inside evaporator wall for a given system pressure.
  • A maximum resulting surface area per unit volume of flow is generated, facilitating rapid, efficient evaporation.
  • The liquid exposure time to the elevated wall temperature can be controlled and completed within a matter of seconds. This minimizes product degradation of heat-sensitive materials by controlling the wiper assembly speed.
  • Pope diagonally slotted wiper blades promote plug flow with little back mixing and direct motion both circumferentially and downward. This minimizes dwell time distribution, ensuring that material flowing through the system has a uniform exposure to process conditions.

Keys To The Success Of Pope Scientific’s Wiped-Film Stills

Keys To The Success Of Pope Scientific’s Wiped-Film Stills

Distillation is one of the most important means of separation and purification of liquids in chemical processing. In a mixture of different chemicals, the various components will have differing characteristics, including physical properties such as levels of volatility.  A component with greater volatility than another (or “lighter” than the other), will boil at a lower temperature than the other. If the mixture is maintained at a temperature in between the boiling points (BP) of two components, the lighter component will vaporize while the heavier component(s) will not. If a surface (condenser), is placed in the vapor space and is kept cooler than any of the boiling points, the vapor will condense and can be collected as a liquid distillate with a composition having a greater percentage of the lighter component. The BP’s can be reduced by lowering the prevailing pressure, thus vacuum conditions are often used.

For simple molecules such as low molecular weight solvents, the temperature and the duration of the time of exposure to elevated temperature is typically not critical, in other words, prolonged boiling times, will not degrade these chemicals due to their thermal stability.  However, there exist chemicals of very high BP’s and molecular weights (MW) that are prone to chemical degradation by cracking, reacting or polymerizing.  These cannot survive the required elevated boiling temperatures for extended periods. The degradation effect is enhanced with increased temperatures, but often overlooked is the effect of the duration of time of the exposure to heat, which when extended, can cause far more degradation than the temperature level itself.

For these delicate materials, a special distillation technique is required.  The technique must include; provision for a very short period of heat exposure, a highly efficient mechanism to allow sufficient evaporation to occur within this short period, and high vacuum capability to reduce the extreme boiling points of the components.  Pope wiped-film stills are specially designed to include these and other important features.

Wiper Diagram

Wiped-Film Distillation Process

Wiped-Film Distillation Process

Feed liquid is continuously fed onto the inner wall of a heated vertical cylinder where it is immediately spread evenly as a thin film by rotating wipers around and down the cylinder.  The wipers are specially designed with diagonal slots, each of which causes a highly turbulent micro-mixing of the film. This dynamic causes a high degree of mass and heat transfer to take place, quickly heating the liquid and greatly increasing the effective surface area of the liquid-vapor interface, necessary for allowing the more volatile molecules to escape and vaporize rapidly from the liquid, (as opposed to being held back from reaching the interface by significant depths of liquid as is the case in, for example, a batch mode boiling vessel).  It is this efficiency that allows even high percentages of volatiles to evaporate within a matter of only seconds of travel in the cylinder.  The less volatile, heavier components don’t evaporate and remain as a liquid, leaving quickly out of bottom of the heated cylinder as residue.

Heated walls (orange) and high vacuum (yellow) drive the more volatile components (distillate) to the closely positioned internal condenser as the less volatile components (residue) continue down the cylinder. The resulting fractions from high vacuum distillation separate, and then exit through individual discharge outlets. Depending on the application, the desired product is either the distillate or the residue fraction. Small amounts of condensable low MW compounds collect in cold trap upstream of the vacuum system. For high solvent loads, an optional external condenser may be installed immediately.

The success of the wiped film technique is further enhanced by other special design features including capabilities of high temperatures to beyond 300°C and high vacuum down to 0.001 torr, a requirement for high boiling point distillates.  The high vacuum capability also allows substantial reduction in evaporation temperatures.  Yet another important design feature positions condensers a close distance from the evaporation surfaces, reducing pressure drop at high vacuum, allowing increased vapor transport efficiency and thus increased throughput through the still system. All is accomplished within an average pass through the system measured in seconds, decreasing thermal product degradation by levels of magnitudes compared to other distillation techniques.   Plus, the design allows for a straightforward scaleup from lab to pilot to production scale.  In addition to equipment provision, Pope has hands-on experience via our toll distillation, process development and testing services.  You can rely on Pope to work with your team from concept to commercialization!

Understanding Cannabis Distillate and Pope Scientific’s Wiped Film Distillation Equipment

Understanding Cannabis Distillate and Pope Scientific’s Wiped Film Distillation Equipment

What is Cannabis Distillate? Cannabis distillate is a highly refined form of cannabis extract, known for its purity and potency. It typically contains 80-95% cannabinoids, making it ideal for various products like edibles, vape cartridges, and topicals. This distillation process removes impurities and unwanted compounds, resulting in a clean and versatile product.

Steps Involved Before Distillation

  1. Extraction: Cannabinoids are extracted from the cannabis plant using solvents such as ethanol or CO2.
  2. Winterization: The crude extract is mixed with ethanol and chilled to remove fats, waxes, and lipids.
  3. Decarboxylation: The extract is heated to convert inactive cannabinoids (like THCA and CBDA) into their active forms (THC and CBD).

Wiped-Film Distillation Technology Pope Scientific’s wiped-film distillation equipment is renowned for its efficiency and precision in producing high-quality cannabis distillate. Here’s how it works:

  • Thin Film Formation: The cannabis extract is continuously fed onto a heated surface where it forms a thin film. This thin film allows for rapid and uniform heating, ensuring that cannabinoids are efficiently separated from other compounds.
  • Wiping Mechanism: A mechanical wiper or roller spreads the extract into a thin film and moves it along the heated surface. This enhances the evaporation rate and ensures even exposure to the heating element.
  • Vacuum Application: The distillation process occurs under vacuum, which lowers the boiling points of the cannabinoids. This allows for the separation at lower temperatures, preserving the integrity and potency of the cannabinoids.
  • Condensation: As the cannabinoids evaporate, they are immediately condensed on a cooled surface and collected as purified distillate.
  • Multiple Passes: For achieving the highest purity, the distillate can undergo multiple passes through the wiped-film apparatus, further refining the product with each pass.

Advantages of Pope Scientific’s Wiped-Film Distillation Equipment

  • High Efficiency: Maximizes cannabinoid yield and purity with minimal thermal degradation.
  • Precision Control: Advanced temperature and vacuum controls optimize the distillation process.
  • Scalability: Suitable for various production scales, from small labs to large industrial facilities.
  • Robust Design: Durable construction ensures long-term reliability and performance.

Pope Scientific’s wiped-film distillation technology is trusted by industry professionals to deliver consistent, high-quality cannabis distillate. This equipment’s precision and efficiency make it an indispensable tool for producing top-tier cannabis products.

For more information, contact Pope. 

Optimize Lab-Scale Purification with Pope Scientific’s Benchtop Nutsche Filter Dryers

Optimize Lab-Scale Purification with Pope Scientific’s Benchtop Nutsche Filter Dryers

Pope Scientific leads the way in laboratory separation equipment with its proven Benchtop Nutsche Filter Dryers. These compact units have been a staple in laboratories for years, offering researchers a powerful tool for testing, piloting, and small-scale processing.  Pharma, fine chemicals, cannabinoids, electronics, and specialty materials are just a few of the many applications.

Transition From Lab Büchner Funnels to Industrial Operations

Pope’s fully enclosed sanitary design provides numerous advantages over the traditional, open Buchner funnel apparatus. Materials are contained and isolated from the user for maintenance of purity and safety. Featuring ASME-certified pressurizability, filtering, and cake washing is faster than via vacuum. Drying of the solids is also performed in the nutsche, e

fficiently accomplished under vacuum and jacket heating, plus a raising/lowering cake agitator to break up lumps and churn the solids.  This is the same operation as industrial nutsches, but smaller!

In-Stock and Ready for Action!

Pope’s Benchtop Nutsche Filter Dryers are stocked in 1, 3, 4, and 5-liter sizes.  All come pre-tested and pre-fitted with essential components including valves, sight glasses, pressure relief, spray assembly, pressure/vacuum gauge, and a manual with a full documentation package.

Custom Nutsches Too!

In addition to stocked units, Pope specializes in custom-designed lab, pilot, and production nutsches in a wide range of sizes, features, and functionality, and are optimized to meet clients’ processing needs and preferences.  We have your solution – contact us!

Pope: A Deep History of Providing Equipment and Support to the Cannabis Industry

Pope: A Deep History of Providing Equipment and Support to the Cannabis Industry

Founded in 1963, over the years Pope has supplied the cannabis industry with expertise and equipment. Today after celebrating over 60 years of business, we want to take a look at how far we’ve come:

  • 1963 – Pope Scientific Inc. is founded in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
  • 1975 – Pope Scientific introduces the Wiped-Film Still product line and technology to many industries worldwide.
  • 2002 – The 1st Pope WFS sale for a cannabinoid application, (CBD recovery from hemp seed oil byproduct in Canada)
  • 2007 – Pope builds Turnkey 400L Reaction System for synthesis of pharmaceutical THC, (first of a series of subsequent skid modules)
  • 2011 – The 2nd Pope WFS sale for a cannabinoid application to the University of Mississippi Dept. of Pharmacology, (THC purification from cannabis for research – at the time, the only authorized lab in the US)
  • 2015 – Start of the THC Distillate boom in the US
  • 2016 – Pope Sells over 100 Canna Wiped-film Stills
  • 2017 – Start of the CBD Distillate Boom in the US and elsewhere
  • 2018 – 1st Pope CBD Crystallizing Isolation System sold
  • 2018 – Pope begins Cannabinoid Toll Processing and Process Development Services, (for several types of cannabinoids except THC)
  • 2019 – Pope breaks ground for a 20,000 square foot building expansion (required both for cannabinoid industry and for general industry) larger scale distillation and process equipment
  • 2019 – Pope sells over 500 Canna Wiped-Film Stills (in US and several countries)
  • 2021 – Pope launches the ProPass 600 Canna Still
  • 2023 – Pope celebrates 60 years in business
  • 2023 –  Pope introduces the fully CE-certified Wiped-Film Still series at MjBizCon

Download the Timeline PDF

A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Distillation Equipment And Services

A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Distillation Equipment And Services

In the realm of chemical processing, the choice between utilizing distillation services or investing in distillation equipment can significantly impact a business’s efficiency, costs, and overall success. For companies seeking to optimize their operations in this domain, understanding the nuances between different services and equipment options is crucial. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of toll distillation services, explore the benefits of investing in distillation equipment, and highlight key applications for chemical processing distillation.

Exploring Toll Distillation Services:

Before committing to purchasing distillation equipment, businesses can benefit from leveraging toll distillation services offered by reputable providers like Pope Scientific Inc. These services offer a range of advantages:

  1. Minimized Risk: By outsourcing toll chemical processing services, businesses mitigate the risks associated with investing in equipment that may not fully meet their needs or production requirements.
  2. Accelerated Time to Market: Utilizing toll distillation services allows for quicker turnaround times, enabling businesses to bring their products to market faster and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  3. Ideal for Smaller Runs: Tolling services cater to businesses with varying production volumes, making them an excellent choice for smaller-scale operations or pilot projects.
  4. Process Testing and Optimization: Tolling services provide a platform for testing and refining distillation processes without committing to equipment purchases upfront. This enables businesses to identify the most suitable equipment for their long-term needs.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Pilot runs conducted through tolling services are fully scalable to production processing equipment, facilitating seamless transitions from testing to commercial-scale operations.
  6. Cost-Efficiency: Opting for tolling services requires less upfront investment compared to purchasing equipment outright, making it a financially prudent choice for businesses exploring new processes or markets.
  7. Reduced Resource Requirements: By outsourcing toll chemical processing services, businesses can minimize the need for specialized expertise and internal resources, streamlining operations and reducing overhead costs.

12″ Pope Stainless Steel Wiped-Film Molecular Still with Degasser

Transitioning to Distillation Equipment Ownership:

While toll distillation services offer numerous benefits, some businesses may eventually opt to invest in their own distillation equipment. Here are some advantages and considerations of equipment ownership:

  1. Long-term Cost Savings: Investing in distillation equipment can yield significant cost savings over time compared to continually outsourcing processes to third-party providers.
  2. In-house Versatility: Owning distillation equipment grants businesses greater control and flexibility over their operations, allowing them to handle multiple processes in-house and adapt quickly to changing market demands.
  3. Increased Production Capacity: With dedicated equipment at their disposal, businesses can ramp up production volumes and meet growing demand without relying on external service providers.
  4. Control Over Project Timeline: When working with a toller, there are times when businesses must wait to get on the schedule, potentially causing difficulties in meeting project timelines due to lack of control over equipment availability. By owning distillation equipment, businesses have full control over their project timelines, reducing delays and ensuring timely delivery of products to market.
  5. Economic Viability for Commercial Production: For businesses requiring consistent, high-volume production, owning distillation equipment can be more economically viable in the long run than relying solely on tolling services.
  6. Process Control and Customization: Equipment ownership affords businesses greater control over how their products are processed, enabling them to tailor operations to meet specific quality standards and customer preferences.

Applications of Chemical Processing Distillation

Distillation plays a critical role in a wide range of industrial applications. Some notable examples include:

  • Edible Oil Deodorization and De-acidification
  • Vitamin and Nutritional Supplement Purification
  • Extract and Biomaterial Concentration
  • Food, Flavors, and Fragrance Isolation
  • Polymer Devolatilization
  • Wax and Silicones Fractionation
  • Decolorization
  • Moisture Removal
  • F.A.M.E. Fractionation (Also F.A.E.E.)
  • Polyglycerol Distillation
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid Distillation

In conclusion, whether through leveraging toll distillation services or investing in distillation equipment, businesses in need of chemical processing solutions can navigate their options effectively by considering factors such as risk, scalability, cost, and process requirements. By understanding the nuances of each approach and aligning them with their specific needs and objectives, businesses can optimize their operations, drive efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth in the competitive landscape of chemical processing. Contact Pope Scientific for more information on our toll distillation equipment and services.

The Isolation of CBD

The Isolation of CBD


Many processors perform CBD isolation to create a THC-free product for their end-user for a variety of reasons. For those who have had the opportunity to isolate CBD using crystallization, it is apparent that the material will readily form crystals, sometimes almost to a fault. Controlling this crystallization becomes quite important when the user is looking to create consistent and repeatable outcomes from their process. This article will focus on a high-level background of crystallization and why specific methods are recommended for isolating CBD.

Thermodynamic Background

Crystallization can occur due to the limited solubility of materials in a solvent. Many factors come into play (including temperature, solubility, concentration, etc.), but ultimately under the right conditions, many organic compounds will begin to form organized lattices, or crystals, which are a lower energy state than when dissolved in a supersaturated solution. By controlling the various factors of the process, the crystals can form with very high concentrations of the target molecule, excluding most impurities. The ability of an organic substance to crystallize is dependent on intramolecular and intermolecular forces. For certain compounds, the result of the solidification may instead form an amorphous solid or different polymorph of the isolated product.

Types of Crystallization

There are a few ways crystallization is performed, which include precipitation, evaporative crystallization, and cooling crystallization. Precipitation can be accomplished through a reaction, pH adjustment, or using anti-solvents. These methods do not seem to be common in isolation of CBD. Evaporative crystallization is performed by removing solvent until the material hits its saturation point and begins to nucleate. While effective, evaporative crystallization is not the most ideal method for isolating CBD due to the nature of the crystallization. “When using evaporative crystallization, the process is less controlled, which can lead to CBD being isolated as a paste which can, in turn, create more issues when the process is scaled,” says Ben Schilling, Tolling Manager at Pope Scientific. Evaporative crystallization also is required to be done at vacuum conditions to ensure the CBD will form a solid instead of staying in a liquid state.

Cooling crystallization takes advantage of the fact that many organic compounds have reduced solubility with reduced temperature. Pope Scientific’s recommendation for CBD isolation is to use a jacketed reactor and temperature control unit to bring the temperature of the solution down slowly. Eventually, the solution will become supersaturated. The formation of crystals in the supersaturated solution is dependent on many factors including any impurities that may be present, the mixing profile, and whether seed crystals are utilized.

Crystallization can also be done in batches or done as a continuous process. While continuous crystallization may come out on top when considering ROI, it does add validation complications for customers operating in cGMP environments.

Considerations During Crystallization

To ensure the saturation limits of the solution are not altered significantly it is important to purify the starting material as much as possible prior to crystallization. Many users will purify their cannabinoid extract by means of wiped film molecular distillation. This process will usually allow for a distillate product to be created at > 90% cannabinoid. This purification step will increase the likelihood of consistent crystallizations.

Mixing profile in the crystallizing vessel is also very important as this can have an impact on the nucleation (formation) of crystals vs the growth stage for crystals. Depending on the ultimate use of your crystalline product, certain particle sizes and particle size distributions may be beneficial. Agitators with good pumping capabilities as well as baffles in the reactor can result in more desirable crystal formation. It is important to balance minimum solvent use with the ability to have a flowable slurry that can be mixed.

The use of seed crystals can also be vital as this can impact the quantity and size of crystals formed. Seed crystals can also be critical in preventing the formation of amorphous solids or unwanted polymorphs. Since CBD readily crystallizes, seed crystals may not be necessary for most processors.

Isolation on a Nutsche Filter Dryer

Pope Scientific recommends using a dedicated reactor for the crystallization step as this will be specifically designed for good mixing. Additionally, while the capital cost can be reduced by using a Nutsche Filter Dryer for the crystallization step, this does run the risk of clogging the filter and causing cleaning issues.

Nutsche filter dryers are valuable tools in the GMP environment for filtering, washing, and drying. After a crystal slurry is created, the Nutsche filter-dryer can be used as a single container for the multiple unit operations that are required. This is beneficial because it eliminates the risk of contamination by eliminating any transfer steps. It also reduces the amount of equipment that must be validated as clean.

First, the slurry is transferred to the Nutsche where the “mother liquor” or supernatant can be separated from the crystalline product using a fine filter screen. The advantage of a Nutsche Filter Dryer over a standard filtration device is that it can be pressurized to speed along the filtering process and mother liquor can be recirculated allowing for the complete transfer of the crystals from the reaction vessel.

After the material is filtered, a pure solvent is typically added to remove any impurities that may be present on the surface of the crystals, often called a “wash” step. Washing is performed with either a spray nozzle or ring which allows for even distribution of solvent across the filter cake. If there is not an even distribution of solvent, channeling can occur, which will reduce the effectiveness of the wash. The washed crystals at this point should be of high purity.

These crystals can then be dried by applying heat and vacuum to the Nutsche filter dryer. For many crystals, the ability to apply vacuum in the Nutsche Filter Dryer is critical as the melting point of the crystals may be lower than the boiling point of the solvent. The agitator in the Nutsche allows for the cake to be smoothed which results in even drying and through proper process development and testing can yield a reliably solvent-free product.

While the methods and ideas described above do not delve into any new territory for organic chemistry, they are important concepts to consider when developing an isolation process. Often innovation is seen as an extremely important aspect of the cannabis industry, but it is important to consider tried and true methods when there is a need to meet cGMP requirements and put out a robust and consistent product.

For more information contact Pope today!

Determining Which Fractional Distillation Process to Use: Batch or Continuous Mode

Determining Which Fractional Distillation Process to Use: Batch or Continuous Mode


Distillation is an important method for the separation and purification of liquids in a wide range of industries and laboratories.  For optimal purification in distillation, a vertical column is incorporated into the equipment with either a series of internal stacked plates (trays) or else filled with one of various types of structured or dumped-in packing.  The purpose of the trays or packing is to provide a high degree of vapor-liquid contact which results in multiple equilibrium stages or “theoretical plates”, each one leading to increasing purification all the way up the column, with the purest and lowest boiling point (BP) vaporized component(s) escaping the top of the column to contact a condenser where it leaves the column as a liquid distillate.  The overall result is that specific components of the starting composition have been separated, or fractionated, giving this process the name, fractional distillation.  Fractional stills often operate under pressure or vacuum and have a reflux device section for controlling and optimizing purity vs. throughput rate, however, these and several other topics of distillation equipment are not covered here. In this article, we will take a look at the two different types of fractional distillation; batch mode and continuous mode.

Batch Distillation Mode

Continuous Fractional Distillation Systems

Batch mode is the normal starting point of any distillation process and is the “simpler” of the modes.  Here, a fixed amount of feed material, (a batch) is loaded into a boiling vessel (pot), onto which is mounted a column with a condenser at the top.  The pot is heated and after a certain amount of time, the liquid begins to boil, and portions of it vaporize and travel up the column.  (One well-known example of batch mode is the traditional making of “moonshine” where a fermented mixture is loaded into the pot, heated, and an ethanol-enriched distillate is collected). The first feed components to vaporize are ones with lower boiling points (BP) than the others.  These components move up the column, with the lowest BP component in the feed becoming increasingly purified by means of fractionation finally being condensed and leaving the rest of the mixture as described above, to be collected in a distillate receiver.  This will continue until the first component of lower BP is depleted in the boiling pot.

At this point, if the process is allowed to continue, the next component of BP greater than the first begins to make the travel all the way up to the condenser to be condensed, leaving as another distillate fraction that can be collected in a different receiver than the first.  Some feed materials may contain many components and this means of separating several of them, one after the other, in order of increasing BP, can be continued until the desired product components have been collected at which point, the distillation process is ended by shutting off the heating of the boiling pot.

Examples of batch stills are many and can include anything from isolation of a flavor component in an extracted natural botanical source to recovering certain solvents from a waste mixture for reuse.  A key characteristic of batch mode is that the composition of the feed material in the pot is constantly, incrementally changing throughout the duration of the run.  The composition in the pot at the moment will be different an hour from now or even just a few minutes from now.  The distillate collected will also change in composition over time as each subsequent component is distilled away.  Thus, this is not a steady-state process.

In situations where the quantity of starting feed material becomes quite large, for example well beyond 1000 liters, and feed lots must be processed frequently, for example, at least every day, batch mode will become quite limited in addressing production requirements.  Another method for fractional distillation is then needed and this is when continuous mode must be considered.

Continuous Distillation Mode  

Continuous mode fractional distillation can handle very large quantities of feed without the need for very large boiling vessels.  Instead, feed is pumped at a set flow rate into the distillation system which has a column and condenser which can be similar to a batch-type setup.  However,  in this case, a reboiler replaces the boiling vessel and this is outfitted with apparatus for continuous discharge of residue, often referred to as a “bottoms stream”.  The feed is preheated and enters the column at a height selected to optimize the overall process efficiency.  Distillate leaves the system from the condenser, similar to the case of batch mode.  So, in continuous mode, there is one stream entering the system and two streams exiting the system, the distillate, and the residue.

A key characteristic of continuous mode is that the compositions of these streams and at any point within the distillation equipment do not change over time as in batch mode, instead they remain constant, in a steady state throughout the entire run, the duration of which may go on for a considerable time.  Oil refineries are a well-known example; these typically operate 24/7, being stopped only for maintenance or other technical reasons.  There are exceptions to the 3-stream scheme described above; for example, in addition to the distillate collected at the top of the column, there may be multiple take-off points (side-streams) at various heights of the column.  In the case of oil refinery columns, these will be multiple component cuts including gasoline, diesel, and mixed solvents in the upper column region, and oil cuts of increasing weight and viscosity as the locations get closer to the bottom of the column.  It is important to note that these are never pure single-component cuts, but collections of many components of somewhat similar BP, for example, one stream may become further processed to become 10W-40 motor oil, and another stream may be used to create a variety of lighter lubricants, etc.  The heaviest components of all become the materials used in tars, asphalts, and the like.

Other continuous fractional applications may involve feed streams with several, but far fewer individual components than are found in crude petroleum oil.  Examples include many specialty chemicals such as pharmaceutical intermediates and electronics materials manufactured in reactors.  The target product(s) may be somewhere in the middle of the range of the BP’s of several byproducts that must be removed.  For high-purity products, side draws cannot be utilized, these will not be pure enough.  To isolate pure components, more than a single column is needed, the number being dependent on the number of components in the feed.  For example, the first column may be used to distill away several components which are lower in BP than the desired product.  The residue can then serve as feed to a second column which will distill away the product plus a byproduct of BP near that of the product.  This distillate stream may be fed to a third column which separates the product away from the byproduct that is co-distilled from the second column.  This type of separation of pure components is more easily done with a single batch still if heat sensitivity is not a problem, (waiting for the product to start coming off the column and collecting it separately), however, as mentioned earlier, this is not practical with very large feed quantities; instead, a battery of staged continuous mode columns is called for.

There are many considerations that go into the design of a fractional column distillation system. These factors can vary depending on the scale at which you are manufacturing. When working at a commodity scale it often makes sense to manufacture in a continuous fashion, however, on the pilot and small production scale an important consideration is whether to use a batch approach. In addition to scale, there are a few other factors that play a considerable role such as the quantity of material, purity, energy use, and how many components need to be separated.  These are highlighted in the figure below:

Energy Usage

Energy consumption in continuous distillation is lower than that of batch distillation.  Heat recovery can be utilized, and the process loops optimized for both product quality and energy consumption. Energy usage can also be optimized by both preheating the feed material and selecting the best column entry point for the feed stream, reducing the condenser and reboiler duties.  In batch mode, more energy is required in startup and because much of the heat is applied to evaporating the same material portions multiple times; this effect is reduced in continuous mode operation.


Pope Continuous Fractional Distillation System

Pope Batch Fractional Distillation System

Process Development and Scaleup; Lab, Pilot Plant, and Production Scale

As mentioned, in nearly all cases, batch mode is the starting point for fractional distillation.  Even if the long-range goals call for very large production quantities and continuous mode installation will eventually be needed, new product development typically starts with lab scale and this will be batch mode.  Lab scale equipment with boiling vessels of less than 1 liter up to 12 liters is appropriate for process feasibility studies. The lab-scale distillation experimentation may be part of an extensive general product development project.  For example, it may be found that upstream chemistry and reactions need to be changed to allow proper distillation and other downstream operations work well, followed by more experimentation, etc.  If lab studies are successful, it is normally advisable to move on to stainless steel (or other higher alloy if necessary) pilot scale equipment.  This may include batch stills from a few liters in size up to 100 liters or more.  It may also include pilot scale continuous stills with column diameters from 1” to 12” and feed rates from 1 to a few hundred liters/hr. Equipment of the larger end of these ranges can also serve as small or mid-size production systems as needed.  Examples of such equipment are shown.

Pope Scientific offers batch fractional stills in glass from 1 to 22 liters and in stainless steel from 2 to 2000 liters or larger.  Continuous fractional still systems are available in stainless steel with from 1” to 24” column diameters.  All of the above equipment is normally designed and manufactured in skid-mounted modular turnkey form. Instrumentation can range from control elements only to fully integrated PLC control systems.  Semi-turnkey systems and core distillation components alone are also available.  During pilot plant studies, it may be found that the distillation system may need to be reconfigured somewhat in order to optimize the process.  Pope takes this into account in the design of pilot plants, for example, allowing the ability to add or decrease column height or addition of collection receivers, etc.  Control systems for continuous systems are more complex as there are several control loops required to achieve a steady state.  However, the programs required for batch systems can be more extensive than for continuous, depending on what the user wants to accomplish. This is because there are usually several time and event-based changes in operating parameters during the run which may be automated, with routines set up by the operator before the run begins.

Pope maintains a staff highly knowledgeable in applications assistance, chemical engineering, chemistry, and chemical equipment operation, providing the customer with a partner for matching processing needs to equipment optimized for the lab, pilot, or production project. In addition to the provision of equipment, Pope can offer lab and pilot scale studies, depending on the nature of the specific applications.  Experienced personnel in mechanical and electrical engineering, assembly, quality assurance, and documentation assure the equipment will work well from delivery and startup and will last for decades.

The Benefits of Utilizing Data Acquisition Systems in Distillation Processing with Yokogawa

The Benefits of Utilizing Data Acquisition Systems in Distillation Processing with Yokogawa

Data acquisition systems (DAQ) have been around for a long time; however many people aren’t familiar with this technology when inquiring about distillation equipment. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are used often in chemical processing for controlling key variables such as pressure, flow rates and temperature. While most PLCs will have some sort of data logging capabilities, it is typical that the software associated with the PLC is very cumbersome. Often a programmer will have to spend a good deal of time to incorporate the basic trend information that would come standard on a DAQ system. In addition, data logging on a PLC is often just a CSV file that is dumped to a location after one run. The CSV file must then be further manipulated to show the data on a graph or chart. An actual data recorder can do a much better job with the visualization of data without hours of additional programming. A DAQ system allows the user to look back at any timeframe of data from 60 seconds to possibly several days prior. This data can also be set to be shown as trend information, bar graphs or just plain figures straight out of the recorder. A DAQ system can exist as hardware within a control panel in which it is viewed from a web browser or as external hardware with its own housing touchscreen control. Having such ease of access to these heavily customizable reports can prove to be very useful to an operator, which is why Pope likes to include both in our control systems.

Having hardware and software record data for you, as opposed to someone in the lab handwriting these bits of information, provides many benefits. Ease of access to data can be a strong point for the recorders. If a DAQ system is uploading this information to a hard drive or server, there are many ways this information can be shared and analyzed throughout a group or company from remote locations. This data can be used to ensure reliability or to improve process efficiency. Having access to this data also allows the user to make predictions in maintenance. For example, if a certain heating or cooling element starts to take more time to reach its target temperature, it could imply that that element is starting to fail. Knowing this ahead of time allows a company time to order replacements before a failure actually occurs. This avoids any sort of downtime.

Yokogawa GX20 – image source

Most DAQ systems will have similar capabilities as those mentioned above – so why do we specifically like Yokogawa’s DAQ? The two main reasons are its easy-to-use interface as well as its ability to comply with GMP environments. Yokogawa has done an excellent job incorporating universal gestures into its touchscreen technology. The same swipe and pinch motions people use every day on their cell phones are incorporated into their recorders. The display is very intuitive in addition to being very bright and colorful. There is no shortage of customization options when it comes to viewing your data. Bar, trend, and digital graphs can be set up to view whatever variables are desired. As noted, the DAQ can be connected via ethernet to view data in real-time from anywhere, or more traditionally exported on a scheduled basis. This data can also be exported in different files types to be observed in other means. In regards to its GMP capabilities, Yokogawa DAQ systems can be compliant with CFR 21 part 11. This specific compliance is the FDA’s regulations for electronic documentation and electronic signatures. Yokogawa’s advanced security add-on allows the users DAQ system to contain an encrypted data file to prevent any manipulation to the data recovered. It’s a one-way road that only allows data to be exported out in an XLS file type. This add-on also contains an onboard audit trail that tracks what changes are made, who made them and when they were made allows for full traceability.

For all of these reasons, Yokogawa DAQ systems are a great asset to distillation equipment. Next time you’re inquiring about a Pope distillation system, be sure to ask how Data Acquisition Systems can be used with your process. Our experts are available to answer any questions and provide recommendations.

Optimize Your Cannabinoid Production with Pope’s Distillation Processing Services

Optimize Your Cannabinoid Production with Pope’s Distillation Processing Services

If you’re considering adding distillation to your cannabinoid production or require help in distillation process improvement, reach out to Pope.  In addition to our well-known wiped-film molecular distillation equipment product lines, Pope runs a very active toll distillation services department.

The tolling department includes a range of toll production stills with throughputs up to 230 kg/hr, pilot plant process development equipment and lab-scale feasibility testing stills. Some of the many industries served include foods, flavors, fragrances, bio-materials, extracts, pharmaceuticals, edible and essential oils, cosmetics silicones, lubricants and polyglycerides.

Pope has many decades of experience in wiped-film operation and has harnessed that knowledge to assist our customers in developing, optimizing and commercializing their distillation processes.  We’ve been running numerous trials and piloting of a variety of different cannabinoids with customers’ feedlots for several years.  Our trials and piloting help determine what improvement in purity, yield, color and clarity is possible through distillation.  Pope operates a 2” lab wiped-film unit to conduct trials for our customers and we are capable of following distillation results by Gas Chromatography (GC).  Once your material has undergone trials, we can help suggest opportunities for improvement based upon past experience.

In addition to lab trials, Pope has extensive experience in process development and scaling studies in pilot scale and in performing toll processing for customers who would prefer to outsource to Pope to distill their cannabinoid feed rather than purchasing and running their own equipment.  (This is also a great opportunity for start-ups who want to begin producing their product before they build and run their own lab.) Pope is licensed by the FDA in food GMP and is also kosher and halal certified.  We have a Hemp Processing License with the state of Wisconsin and are able to trial any cannabinoid feed that has a Fit for Commerce Certificate.

Want to know more? Please contact us to discuss your testing and tolling needs.Pope Toll Processing

Using a Mass Balance to Evaluate Your CBD Distillation Process

Using a Mass Balance to Evaluate Your CBD Distillation Process

If the average person was asked to do a mass balance on a system, they might not quite understand what is required. However, for chemical engineers and industrial process chemists this is something learned quite early in their curriculum. While it is a tool often used by chemical engineers, there is no reason why it should not be part of any processor’s toolbox.

For processes involving chemical reactions, the mass balance is written out as:Pope Mass Balance Illustration


However, when you are just using separation equipment (such as a wiped-film molecular still for distillation), the equation gets simplified to:


Then, by defining the boundaries of a system, it becomes possible to check where your material is going which can allow you to make better decisions and optimize your process.

Let’s assume you are running a wiped-film molecular still to create CBD distillate. The INPUT to the still will be the feed material (the crude). The OUTPUT of this separation will be terpenes, residue, and CBD distillate. The ACCUMULATION would be any residual material left in the still. There are other outputs; the ethanol collected in the cold trap and any material that is lost through the vacuum pump, however, to simplify this exercise we will lump these into the accumulation and simply define them all as material loss.

While losses to accumulation are important, wiped film stills do not have miles of process piping, so overall this should not be a major concern on the equipment. However, by adding some analytical data to the mass balance much can be learned about your operation.


Prior to distillation, you have your crude CBD extract analyzed and the lab results come back indicating the material is 65% CBD by mass. You load the feed flask on your system with 2,000 grams of the material. You perform your first distillation and remove 160 grams of terpenes. On your second pass you get 1,155 grams of distillate and 635 grams of residue. When the lab results on your distillate come back, they show 90% CBD by mass. This seems good, but a mass balance will allow you to best review this.

For a Very Simple Mass Balance, You Have:

mcrude = mterpenes + mdistillate + mresidue + mloss  (1)


mcrude = mass of crude

mterpenes = mass of terpenes collected

mdistillate = mass of distillate collected

mresidue = mass of residue collected

mloss = material lost (to accumulate, transfer, etc.)

This yields 50 grams of material that is considered lost. Which could either be escaped ethanol or material that sticks as residual in the system (a common occurrence with high viscosity fluids).

Since there is not a large amount of material that was lost, it is now time to look at the amount of CBD you have recovered, also known as your yield. First, you must determine how much CBD is present to start, using equation (2):

mCBD-C mcrude * CCBD-C (2)


mCBD-C  = mass of CBD in crude

mcrude = mass of crude

CCBD-C CBD Concentration in crude (mass %)

This equation shows that 1,300 grams of CBD are present in your crude. A similar equation can be used to determine the amount of CBD in your distillate:

mCBD-D mdistillate * CCBD-D  (3)


mCBD-D = mass of CBD in distillate

CCBD-D CBD Concentration in distillate (mass %)

Leading to a total of 1,039.5 grams of CBD in your distillate. To calculate the yield of your process you then use Equation 4:

% Yield = mCBD-D ÷ mCBD-C  (4)

The percent yield from this distillation is approximately 80%, which would be considered quite sufficient. By further calculation, you can also estimate the amount of CBD that remains in your residue. We will assume that the 50 grams of lost material were at 65% CBD content, like the crude, meaning that 32.5 g of CBD where “lost”. By Equations 5 and 6, you can assume your remaining residue contains 228 grams of CBD or is 36% CBD (mass %):

mCBD-R mCBD-C – mCBD-D – mCBD-L  (5)


mCBD-R = mass of CBD in residue

mCBD-L = mass of CBD lost

CCBD–R mCBD-R ÷ mresidue (6)


CCBD–R CBD concentration in residue (mass %)

A great amount of processing in the cannabis industry is performed without much attention to mass balancing and utilizing before/after analyses between process steps.  In many of these cases, the company will get by, obtaining adequate purities and (often unknown) yields.  A somewhat careful operator will often be able to “get the job done”.  However, consistent utilization of the principles of mass balancing, together with obtaining and studying analyses of every batch and run will allow an OK  operator to become an excellent operator.  This person will be able to plan parameters as well as strategies for each run, resulting in optimal purity and yield, leading to lower costs, better product quality, at better pricing, all eventually leading to greater profit for their company than their competitors.

Post-Extraction Cannabinoid Decarboxylation and Its Relationship To Solvent Removal

Post-Extraction Cannabinoid Decarboxylation and Its Relationship To Solvent Removal

Introduction to Cannabinoid Decarboxylation

During the course of post-extraction cannabinoid processing, one of the steps normally (though not always) carried out is the conversion of the non-active acid form of the cannabinoid(s) to the active form, prior to final product completion. This is accomplished utilizing a chemical reaction named decarboxylation, (“decarbing” for short). The reaction can be performed at a choice of two different stages in the processing sequence; either with the biomass prior to extraction or else with the liquid form after extraction. In either case, the reaction is driven by heating to increased temperatures (normally between 110° and 150°C) for a specified amount of time (normally between 0.5 and 3 hours), though some operators use more extreme parameters. The reasons for choosing between the pre-extraction and post-extraction methods and the specific parameters used are various and depend on the processor’s feedstock and product goals. Post-extraction decarbing is more common and is the method covered here.


The Reaction & Efficiency

The reaction takes place at a position on the cannabinoid molecule containing a carboxyl group (-COOH). Heat induces substituting the carboxy group by the single hydrogen atom (-H). In the process, the carbon and the two oxygen atoms break away from the cannabinoid as carbon dioxide (CO2) in gas form. For the case of post-extraction decarbing, one of the most efficient known methods is to have a batch of liquid extract contained within a stainless steel reaction vessel which is heated under vacuum conditions and rapidly stirred.

The purpose of agitation is three-fold:

  • Agitation helps transfer and distribute the heat required for reaction rapidly, from the vessel walls to the liquid.
  • Agitation enables the released CO2 to better dissipate out of the liquid and into the vapor space, which is under vacuum, helping the reaction to “go to the right” and be conducted efficiently.
  • Agitation makes other gases and evaporating solvents efficiently escape from the liquid to the upper space for removal from the vessel.

COand Ethanol Dissipation

In the majority of cases, the non-active extract will also contain some amount of solvent ethanol, usually as a result of either solvent extraction and/or winterization with chilled ethanol and filtering for wax elimination. After those steps, the bulk removal of the ethanol will have been carried out typically with rotary evaporators for smaller scale or with falling film evaporators in larger-scale operations. However, in many cases, the ethanol is not sufficiently removed to the levels achieved with more careful processing. Often, a decision is made to remove the remainder during the decarbing process since it will conveniently be under raised temperature and vacuum. Thus, the decarbing apparatus serves double duty as a reactor and as an evaporator, discharging both CO2 and ethanol.  However, it is possible, and fairly common, to leave “too much” ethanol in the extract prior to decarbing, resulting in lingering ethanol in the extract, even with a successful decarbing cannabinoid conversion. This occurs due to weak hydrogen bonding of alcohols to organic compounds such as cannabinoids, effectively increasing the alcohol’s boiling point. Too much ethanol remaining in the distillation feed batch can impact the effectiveness of terpenes removal in the 1st distillation pass, with a spillover effect impacting the cannabinoid distillation in the 2nd pass, resulting in a product of lesser quality and yield.

A Turnkey Approach

Pope Scientific provides decarboxylation reaction equipment and complete turnkey systems designed for optimal processing of any required size range to the cannabinoid industry. A complete system includes a jacketed 316L stainless steel reaction vessel with ASME vacuum and pressure rating and food or pharma grade finish, a matching agitator, a heating circulator, condenser, dry running vacuum pump, and instrumentation. Controls can range from simple manual type to automated PLC stations with advanced data handling, depending on the customer’s budget and preferences. All parameters and sequences can be preprogrammed, including an increasing vacuum level during the process, reaching better than 0.5 torr near the end for better subsequent distillation processing. Options include portability and XP Div. 1 or 2 ratings. For increased convenience, the decarbing vessel can be made portable to double as a feed vessel for a Pope Wiped-film Molecular Still.

Optimizing Evaporation Beforehand

It is mentioned above that rotary evaporators and falling film evaporators often do not completely remove ethanol to ideal levels, (<0.1%).  Pope can provide guidance for dealing with these problems.  For various reasons, it is not possible to effectively decrease solvent from high levels to very low levels, (e.g., from 80% to 0.1%) in continuous mode evaporators in a single pass. Pope offers multistage evaporation systems incorporating either a falling film evaporator or a wiped film evaporator for the first stage and a smaller wiped film evaporator for the second stage. This equipment is available in fully turnkey integrated and automated skid-mounted systems.

Contact Pope today or request a quote to discuss your current or future decarboxylation and evaporation equipment requirements.